
Tips for junior designers
Here I wrote a few tips for junior designers as I myself have had moments where I needed some guidance or direction. These tips helped me with my journey and I hope it helps with yours too.
My name is Tevin, I work as a designer and creative. By linking the values of a company to the experience of users I create meaningful interactions.
Outside of work you can find me on the net writing, reading or learning.
Here I wrote a few tips for junior designers as I myself have had moments where I needed some guidance or direction. These tips helped me with my journey and I hope it helps with yours too.
The Netherlands Cancer Institute needed a UX designer to help them with nailing down the user interface and logic of their Surgical Navigation System. With this system they navigate through human bodies to terminate tumors with pinpoint accuracy.
This is a podcast episode of Anders Tallvik's "How Creative's Work", in this episode I speak a bit about how I work, what my aspirations are as a designer and what I want to do better. Go have a listen!
Ever needed a list where you could find all the different sizes you needed for your social media posts? Well that's what I did here, have a look and use the templates for your own socials — I hope this list is helpful for you.
"Tevin is a creative mastermind, goal oriented and has a keen analytical eye for detail. He accepted the challenge to bring interaction design into the surgical theater, which was completely foreign to him, with great succes."
I've created things in the 2D plane for some time now, but I always had admiration at artists that could bring their vision out through 3D. The control you can exert and the worlds you can create fascinated me so I wanted to have a go at it myself.
I talk a bit about a passion of mine: Cyberpunk, why I find it interesting and what I've learned from it.
"Tevin is one of those rare, once in a blue moon designers. His heart during our time working together was consistently in the right place. A man who puts the users first each and every time, all while making stuff seem easy."
I wanted to pick up a new skill to express myself, creative coding is what I decided to dive into. I wanted to do this because I never saw coding as a creative advent — but the more I learned, the more I was surprised by the flexibility of coding.
I worked together with iNDiViDUALS at AMFI to create an experience for their exhibition , this project was a bit more focused on concept and experience and less on designing an app/website, but I used my experience as a UX designer to create meaningful interactions.
PostNL was working on a new system called the PBA which roughly translates to "parcel and mail machine". During the rollout users had a hard time using it so they wanted to retrace the UX and create a new interface for it.
This is somewhat of a sequel to my previous post, I will use my expertise of interfaces to have a look at some interfaces that have come to pass in Cyberpunk themed media.
"From a product design level down to the finer points of UX, this guy keeps pushing beyond what is expected. Super responsive and solid."
I was asked by Scandinavian Mind to help them with the product design of a product called Impulso, this is a system that connects retailers, their funds and suppliers together in one platform.
Code of conduct
Working together with clients to foster value
Value. Express principles, design beyond aesthetic.
Context. Design with granularity in mind for cohesion.
Adaptability. Scalable concepts, create future relevance.
Transparent. Clearly convey design progress.
Joint. Build united by leveraging skills and foster innovation.
2 slots left
Working on a product
Working on a product
Open to new work
Open to new work